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Beach, Boat, Rock & Freshwater Fishing

Esperance is an anglers dream. You're spoilt for choice down here as you aren't just limited to throwing a line out along the beach (not everyone is a fan of sand).

You have the option of freshwater fishing in the calmer, more protected waters of Bandy Creek, Lake Windabout or even out at Stokes Inlet National Park

Or perhaps fishing from a boat is more your style. Boat ramps are located at Bandy Creek Boat Harbour, and down along the Esplanade near the Skate Park (look for the large carpark). If your reversing and launching skills are better than average and you have a small trailer boat, then Lucky Bay Beach, Stokes Inlet and Orleans Bay are other possible options. 

Keen for a deep sea angling experience but don't own a boat? Or just don't like scaling, gutting and filleting your own catch? If that's the case then a friendly, local fishing charter would definitly be the way to go. Try Esperance Diving and Fishing or Black Jack Charters. There are information brochures available at the Visitor Centre. 

We have some magnificent granite boulders and reefs along our coastline, which makes rockfishing pretty popular, however, this can be very dangerous due to rogue waves and slippery algae. 

If you intend to go rock fishing during your time in Esperance please follow these safety guidelines:

  • Visit a local tackle shop or the Visitor Centre and ask where it is safe to fish.
  • Lengths of rope are available to tie onto rock bolts with. Rope is available free of charge from local tackle shops.
  • Tell someone where and when you are planning to fish, and try not to fish alone.
  • Read warning signs at your fishing location.
  • Familiarise yourself with your fishing spot prior to fishing. Note location of rock bolts and angel rings.
  • Wear a life vest, light clothing and shoes with non-slip soles.
  • Have rope available to tie yourself to a rock bolt.
  • If someone is washed into the water do not jump in. If an angel ring or other flotation device is available provide it to them and call 000 to summon help.
  • If you are swept into the water do not panic. Swim away from the rocks and attract attention.
  • Please stay safe during your visit to Esperance.

RecfishWest has essential rock fishing safety information which you can read about here

Hook Yourself Up With The Fishing Rules & Tools

It's easy to keep up to date with Western Australia's recreational fishing rules. Whether it's for bag and size limits, seasonal closures or licences, all the rules are at your fingertips with the free Recfishwest app.


The app provides access to the rules even if you're out of phone range, and includes an easy fish identication feature. 

Not keen on downloading the app? Similar information can be found using the Western Australian Recreational Fishing Guide which can be accessed from here.

The Esperance Visitor Centre also has seasonal tide charts and fish size guides which you can take away with you for free (this information comes as a handy sticker which many choose to put on their fishing eskies). There are Esperance Boating Guides available behind the counter too. 

For extra inside knowledge on the best locations (for specific weather conditions), fishing rigs and so on - we recommend you pop in and have a chat to the approachable staff at one of our local tackle shops. They'd be happy to help you out.

Which Bait Is Best?

  • Bluebait: Skippy, Herring, Tailor, Snook.

  • Mulies: Salmon, Samson fish, Mulloway, Pink Snapper, Dhufish.

  • Octopus: Dhufish, Pink Snapper, Skippy, Blue Groper, most common species.

  • Prawns Coral: Skippy, Whiting, Herring, Flathead, Flounder, Silver Bream, Garfish.

  • Prawns River: Black Bream, Whiting, Flathead, Flounder.

  • Scaly Mackerel: Salmon, Samson Fish, Mulloway, Pink Snapper, Dhufish.

  • Squid: Dhufish, Pink Snapper, Skippy, Whiting, most bottom species.

  • Whitebait: Skippy, Herring, Flathead.

  • Worms (blood): Black bream, Whiting, Cobbler.

  • Worms (sand): Whiting, Cobbler, Silver Bream.

 Local Fishing GuideFishing-Table