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Book your Esperance experience with us...

Find a map, search for paradise and you’ll find Esperance.

Located on Western Australia’s spectacular southern coast, Esperance is only a day’s drive, or short plane trip away from Perth.

By Road

Keen for a road trip? The sealed roads to Esperance are excellent and there are many different routes available, depending on where you are coming from and what you wish to see along the way.

Esperance is approximately an eight hour drive from Perth, four hours from Kalgoorlie, and four and a half hours from Albany.  

Distance Map 

By Air

If you want to get to Esperance quickly in order to make the most of your holiday break, then flying is the way to go.

Esperance is serviced by REX (Regional Express) Airlines which flies daily to and from Perth with the journey taking approximately 90 minutes. Visit or telephone 13 17 13

Legendaire serves Esperance to Kalgoorlie as well as offering an aircraft charter service. Contact (08) 6147 6634 or visit 

Our airport is a 25 minute drive north of the town. We recommend you either reserve a hire vehicle (AVIS and Budget have a service desk at our regional airport), book a shuttle with Fly Esperance  or organise a taxi through Esperance Taxi Service before you arrive to ensure you aren’t left waiting (Ph 08 9071 1782).


By Coach

Sit back in luxury and relax as someone else does the driving for you. Watch a movie, catch up on some reading or simply view the passing countryside. Transwa operates regular coach services from Perth, Albany and Kalgoorlie to Esperance. 

Every road coach is fitted with an entertainment system that includes individual sound controls and USB points, a bathroom and refrigerated drinking water. They also meet current disability standards and include a hoist to allow wheelchairs on board.

Comfortable and convenient, choosing to take the bus to Esperance will also allow you the option to hop on and off at stops along the way if you want to break up your journey and do some extra sightseeing.

Visit or telephone 1300 662 205. Bookings can also be made at the Esperance Visitor Centre.


How to get around Esperance

You have the option of either hiring a car (AVIS, Budget Car Hire or Hollywood Car Hire) or a bicycle (some accommodation providers have bicycles available onsite). Most things in town are within walking distance with great pathway access. You can also download the Beam app from and use the purple scooters that are scattered around town. And the local public bus goes from town to either West Beach, Castletown or Nulsen (only weekdays during the day, about three round trips a day).


Road Safety

Driving to Esperance may take you into some remote areas, so forward planning is extremely important. Read the following road safety tips for some advice and useful information that will help you to have a safe and enjoyable journey.

Road Rules

  • Western Australia’s outback observes the same driving laws and regulations as the rest of Australia. Vehicles travel on the left-hand side of the road and it is compulsory for all passengers to wear seatbelts.
  • When approaching roundabouts, you must give way to vehicles already on the roundabout. Always use the left-hand indicator prior to exiting.
  • U-Turns are not permitted at traffic lights, unless there is a displayed 'U-turn permitted' sign.
  • You are required to give way to public buses and be alert when approaching a railway crossing. Country trains do not always run on schedule.
  • You are permitted to drive on a current out-of-state or overseas licence for a period of one year. If you hold an out-of-state or overseas driver's licence, it must be carried with you when you are driving and produced to a police officer if requested.
  • It is illegal to talk or text on your mobile phone while driving.

Speed Limits

  • Speed limits vary across the State, but the maximum limit is 110kms per hour. It is an offence to travel above the speed limit.
  • School zones are clearly marked and restricted to 40kms per hour at the beginning and end of the school day.
  • Freeways and highways vary from 80kms to 110kms per hour.
  • The Western Australia Police Service employs radar and other speed monitoring devices, and fines are enforceable.

Alcohol and Drugs

Driving whilst under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is a lethal combination and Western Australia has severe penalties for anyone caught driving under the influence of these substances. Drivers must maintain a blood alcohol level below 0.05 per cent in order to drive within the legal limit.

Check Your Vehicle
It is essential that your vehicle is checked before you depart. A comprehensive first aid kit, extra water and food supplies, tool kit, at least one spare tyre should be kept as standard, along with the knowledge of how to use them.

If you are towing a caravan, trailer or boat, make sure you know the legal load limit for your vehicle and that your load is well secured. Heavy or poorly secured loads can cause rollovers and accidents. The legal speed limit outside a built-up area for a vehicle towing a trailer or caravan, is 100kms per hour, unless otherwise signposted. Some remote areas are accessible only by high clearance four wheel drives, so towing caravans, trailers and boats is not recommended.

Road Closures 
It is important to check road conditions before your departure. Regardless of your vehicle, should you come across a road that is formally advised as being closed, do not attempt to drive on it under any circumstances. For the most up to date information, contact Main Roads WA on 138 138, or visit

Road Trains
Road trains are a unique part of travelling in outback Western Australia. Road trains often have up to four trailers and on the open road can travel at speeds up to 100kms per hour. You should always leave approximately 200m between vehicles when travelling in a convoy to allow for road train drivers to pass. Only overtake a road train if the road ahead is clear and visible for a long distance ahead (more than 1km) and once you have made the decision to pass, commit to the decision and do it as quickly, efficiently and safely as possible. Be aware that dust and stones can be kicked up on unsealed roads, obscuring vision and potentially damaging your vehicle.

National Parks
Visitor Fees apply at major National Parks in Western Australia. Different types of passes are available, Day Park Pass, which are available from the Ranger of the Park or self registration stations at the entry to the park, Holiday Park Pass (5 days, 14 days or 28 days), or Annual All Parks Pass, which is vaild for 12 months. Holiday Passes and Annual Passes are available from the Esperance Visitor Centre in person.

Travelling with Pets 
Please note that dogs and cats cannot be taken into any Western Australian National Park or Nature Reserve. Baiting for wild dogs is still undertaken in many areas surrounding stations and farms in Western Australia and across the Nullarbor, so it is not recommended to let your animals 'run wild'. Not all caravan parks accept pets either so be sure to plan ahead to not be disappointed.

Wandering Stock and Wildlife
Many farms and sheep stations are unfenced and it is not uncommon to encounter wandering stock and wildlife. Serious accidents can occur due to collisions with kangaroos, cows, sheep and various other animals. Take particular care when travelling at dawn and dusk, as these are the most dangerous times. Slow down, keep a lookout, and if possible, avoid driving at night.

Fuel and Food Availability in Remote Locations
Food and fuel supplies in outback Western Australia are generally available every 100kms to 300 kms. However, when travelling in more remote areas, it is recommended that you plan ahead and stock up on food and fuel. Some remote service stations have restricted opening hours and limited EFTPOS facilities.

It is also important to note that LPG Autogas is not available in all regional areas. It is advisable to contact the local shires or Visitor Centres when planning your journey, to ensure you know the location and availability of food and fuel supplies in outback Western Australia.


Safe Driving Tips

  • Let someone know your destination and schedule.
  • Carry extra water and food.
  • Carry a signal device, such as a torch, flare or mirror.
  • Make sure you know how to use a 4WD if you are taking one.
  • Plan your route and take maps.
  • If your plans change, let someone know.
  • If possible, carry some form of communication equipment. Many areas in regional Western Australia do not have mobile phone reception.
  • If you break down or get stuck, always stay with your vehicle, try to park so you can be seen and conserve your food and water.
  • Get a good night's sleep before departing.
  • Stay somewhere overnight if you are on a long journey.
  • Share the driving if you can.
  • Plan to travel for no longer than eight to ten hours a day.
  • Take a twenty minute power nap whenever you feel drowsy.
  • Stop at a roadhouse for a coffee break and to stretch.
  • Don't drive during hours when you are normally asleep.


A Message From Our Esperance Roadwise Committee

Esperance is a place to slow down and enjoy life, both on and off the road. Speed continues to remain a significant contributor to road trauma in our state, particularly in regional areas such as ours. The Esperance RoadWise Committee work to promote the ‘Slow Down and Enjoy the Ride’ message, both to our local community and visitors. When venturing to Esperance we encourage you to adopt the following tips, as we want to see you return.

  • Take regular breaks. If you’re feeling tired and you’re behind the wheel, pull over, stop and stretch your legs. Remember it’s better to arrive a little bit late, than not at all.
  • Unsealed roads don’t have regulatory speed signs posted as safe driving speeds will be dependent on the condition of the road. Road conditions regularly change in Esperance, particularly in our more remote areas. Always drive to the conditions of local roads and call ahead to the Shire of Esperance for any information about unexpected changes in the road environment, including wandering farm stock and wildlife.
  • Stuck behind a road train? Having to slow down because you come across a road train, caravan, trailer or camper can be extremely frustrating at times however, it’s usually only for a few kilometres which will add an insignificant amount of extra time onto your overall journey. Passing such long vehicles can be extremely hazardous, so please, back off the speed, remain patient, and wait for a safe opportunity to overtake.

The way we drive is often a symptom of the way we live… too fast. When we slow down we reduce our risk of crashes and enjoy a more relaxed life.

So leave the stress of trying to beat the clock behind and ‘Slow Down and Enjoy the Ride’

We hope you enjoy a safe and happy stay in Esperance. 
