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Museum Village

A collection of small historical buildings which now house little shops (selling all types of wares), and the Esperance Visitor Centre.  Located in the centre of town, the Museum Village is on the site of the town's old railway marshalling yards, and the buildings have been relocated from various different sites around Esperance. The Museum Village offers boutique shops with a difference, and comes alive on Sundays when markets are held. 

Esperance Museum

Housed in the Old Goods Shed, the Esperance Museum is an attraction to both locals and visitors to Esperance. Wander in through the doors to discover an interesting collection that offers a glimpse into the history of Esperance and how the region has grown over the years. From agricultural machines, maritime artefacts, antique furniture, a locomotive and fascinating memorabilia that will take you back in time. Not to mention a comprehensive display of NASA’s Skylab debris - Skylab was America's first space station which plummeted to the earth in 1979. Be sure to check out the current Museum opening times before you visit.


Dempster Homestead

Built in 1867 this was the homestead of Esperance’s most famous pioneering family, the Dempsters, and the first home to be built in what would later become the townsite of Esperance. It is privately owned but can be viewed from the road. You'll find it at 155 Dempster Street.

Bijou Theatre

Roughly translated as 'little gem' in French, the Bijou Theatre opened in 1896 and over the generations its been used for dances, meetings, agricultural shows, a cinema, and even a roller skating rink. In 1972 the Bijou Theatre was sold to the Esperance Theatre Guild. These days, the Bijou plays host to community theatre performances, and is regularly hired out for weddings and meetings.


The Civic Centre

The Civic Centre is Esperance's premier performance and multi-function space. Hosting a variety of shows throughout the year, for the young and young at heart. Tickets can be purchased from the Shire Administration Office, Esperance Public Library, Esperance Visitor Centre or online. The Library and Visitor Centre both offer free WIFI to visitors and locals alike. Looking for something to read while in Esperance? Visitors are more than welcome to head to the Library and borrow a book or three.

The Cannery Arts Centre

The Cannery Arts Centre (which was once a fish cannery) is Esperance's leading local arts gallery and workshop craft space. Exhibitions are showcased each month and a variety of cultural classes and events are conducted within the grounds. Attracting over 20,000 people each year, the gallery and craft studio is open between 1:00pm and 4:00pm daily. For current exhibits and class timetables please call 90713599.

The Esperance Community Arts Centre

With work from over 40 local artists available for sale, plus a range of colourful window displays, Esperance Community Arts (ECA) is committed to bridging the gaps between local artists, community groups, networked agencies and government organisations.  You'll find ECA in the Museum Village opposite the Esperance Visitor Centre. 

Something Different

Mermaid Leather

The only specialist fish and shark leather tannery in Australia. See the process that transforms fish skins into unique leather products. Factory tours and showroom with items for sale. Factory on Wood street, Gallery in the Museum Village.

Esperance Stonehenge

The Esperance Stonehenge is the only full size replica of the original Stonehenge in the UK. It appears as the original would have looked around 1950BC. It consists of 137 stones of Pink Granite. You'll find this marvel along Merivale Road, 18kms from the centre of town. 

Aunty Joan's Dolly Mix

Not for profit Doll Museum and Event Space located at 104 Dempster street. Open daily from 1pm - 4pm on a pay as you feel donation basis, all proceeds to local charity. Amazing collection of nearly 1000 elaborate modern porcelain dolls.